Spring breakjer hitman 2 guide
Spring breakjer hitman 2 guide

Get his disguise and go the Thwack stand near the main entrance to the race - you will find a photo of Flamingo, pick it up to finish the last challenge, voila. Contents 1 Objective 2 Rewards 3 Notes 4 Walkthrough Objective Pacify a target with a didgeridoo. From there you can go to the acquarium in the Expo and simply throw the sugar to the water, go down and find the mascot in the parking garage - pacify the poor guy. HITMAN 2 Tunes From Down Under is a Challenge in HITMAN 2 introduced in the Spring Breaker challenge pack for Miami. Do not forget to pick the crowbar (you will plenty of them during this path), open the gates, dump Robert to the shredder and dispose his body, half of the work is done. Be as distant as possible from the NPCs, there are 3 wandering NPCs near the stairs, just wait till they go away and drag Robert to the shredder near the sea.

spring breakjer hitman 2 guide

Once he kills the Sierra with a car bomb's explosion, pacify him with a Didgeridoo and drag his body downstairs, this can be quite difficult to shred him. As you are going to meet him, acquire the Didgeridoo from the underpass and go the skywalk - once Robert asks, give him the detonator and wait a while. Blue Flamingo Suit Complete Spring Breaker Challenge Pack (Miami). Acquire the disguise of Kronstad's mechanic and place the car bomb at Sierra's car, then use the phone to call Robert and meet him at skywalk as Kowoon mechanic. Note: The guide section listed later Sniper Assassin Weapons (Location Locked) is. For example owning Hitman 2 on Steam does not unlock your location ownership on Stadia, Playstation, Xbox or EGS, you will need to buy those locations wherever you want to play them. Note that you must own the locations on the platform where you play. Any need to carry on a level if max on mastery for that level.

spring breakjer hitman 2 guide

Get the Car Bomb with note from the safe located in the guardhouse, you might also disable the cameras by placing nice two shots and quickly escape from there. You will have the option to carry over all of your unlocks from Hitman 2 (2018) into Hitman 3. No you can still unlock mastery rewards, the online level is seperate progression, and the last reward from that is at level 100. Basically, Kowoon's mechanic disguise is like half of the challenges here, do not forget that Robert can be lured to the skywalk above the race. Starting in the Kowoon pit is very close to the boxes of Sugar (one in the lounge's kitchen, one in Kronstadt's paddock) and will work with baiting Robert.

spring breakjer hitman 2 guide

The best place to start would be in my opinion as the Kowoon Mechanic, if you don't have it, you can always grab the disguise from one of plenty mechanics. HITMAN 2, The SPRING BREAKER Miami Challenge Pack Unlock Guide in one playthrough, using a quite easy and fast method (I think). Martinoz: TL DR, you do not need to throw coins at Robert to lure him, just pacify him with Didgeridoo and drag his body to the shredder, it is not that hard as it look (even on Master as I do by default).

Spring breakjer hitman 2 guide